NECPA Accreditation Process and Forms
Please click on the items below to learn more about the NECPA Accreditation Process.
Please submit your requests online through our Client Portal. Call the NECPA Team at
855-706-3272 or email us at [email protected] with any questions.
Click on the links below to skip to that particular section!
Enroll in Self-Study (First-Time)
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that you wish to enroll your program in the self-study process for the purpose of earning NECPA Accreditation. NOTE: If your program is currently accredited, please use the NECPA Re-Enrollment Application.
Processing Time Frame
Your program will receive the NECPA Enrollment Packet within 7-10 business days from date of enrollment.
Renewal Self-Study (Currently Accredited)
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that you wish to re-enroll your program in the self-study process for the purpose of renewing your NECPA Accreditation.
Processing Time Frame
Your program will receive the NECPA Enrollment Packet within 7-10 business days from date of re-enrollment. Accredited programs should re-enroll one year prior to their accreditation expiration date to allow sufficient time for the renewal process.
Request Your Visit
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that your program has completed the self-study portion of the accreditation process and that you are ready to begin scheduling your verification visit.
Processing Time Frame
Your program’s visit will occur within 120 days of the receipt of your verification visit request form.
Place Your Visit On Hold
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that your program is requesting to place the scheduling of your verification visit on hold for a specific period of time.
Processing Time Frame
- When your program’s verification status is placed on hold, the NECPA Office will cease the scheduling of your verification visit until the On Hold End Date indicated on the request.
- Your program’s visit will occur within 120 days from the On Hold End Date listed on the form.
Any changes to NECPA standards and fees will be applicable to the program at the time of re-activation of the verification visit scheduling.
Cancel and Reschedule
Use this form to cancel and reschedule a confirmed verification visit.
Processing Time Frame
Your program will receive a verification visit within 120 days of the receipt of the Verification Cancellation and Visit Reschedule form.
Expedite Visit Scheduling
The purpose of this form is to expedite the verification visit scheduling process. By submitting this form you are notifying the NECPA Commission that your program has completed the self-study portion of the NECPA accreditation process and that you are ready to begin scheduling your verification visit.
Processing Time Frame
Your program’s visit will occur within 60 days of the receipt of your Verification Visit Request Form.
Result Process
No form is necessary to receive your Accreditation Results. Results are issued once your verification visit is complete.
Processing Time Frame
Your program’s results will be issued within 60 days of your visit date.
Expedite Your Results
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that you are requesting an expedited NAC Result.
Processing Time Frame
Your program’s results will be issued within 2 weeks from the date your visit materials arrive at the NECPA Office.
Pending Results
No form is necessary to receive your NAC Pending Result.
Processing Time Frame
- Your program must submit the required pending documentation within 90 days of your pending result date.
- Your program will receive the result of your pending documentation review within 30 days from the date your documentation is submitted.
Deferred with Items Results
If your program has been issued a Deferred with Items Letter please submit this form along with requested documentation to the NECPA Commission.
Processing Time Frame
- Your program must submit the Deferral Authorization form and documentation within 90 days of deferral date.
- Your program’s results will be issued within 30 days from the date your documentation is submitted.
Deferred with Re-Visit Results
The purpose of this form is to notify the NECPA Commission that your program has reviewed the deferred items, made necessary changes, and is ready to begin scheduling your deferral verification visit.
Processing Time Frame
- Your program must submit the Deferral Verification Visit Request form and fee within 6 months from the date on your result letter.
- Your deferral verification visit will be scheduled within 120 days of your request.
- Your program’s results will be issued within 60 days of your visit date.
First Annual Report
First Annual Report
The purpose of this form is to update the NECPA Commission of any changes, updates and staff training for the first year accreditation year in order to maintain NECPA Accreditation.
Processing Time Frame
Reports are due within 30 days of your program’s first anniversary date. Reports are reviewed within 6-8 weeks from the date of receipt.
Click here to review Annual Report Fees.
Click here to download individual pages of the First Annual Report PDF.
Second Annual Report
Second Annual Report
The purpose of this form is to update the NECPA Commission of any changes, updates and staff training for the second accreditation year in order to maintain NECPA Accreditation.
Program’s are also encouraged to submit their Re-Enrollment Application for Accreditation Renewal at this time.
Processing Time Frame
Reports are due within 30 days of your program’s second anniversary date. Reports are reviewed within 6-8 weeks from the date of receipt.
Click here to review Annual Report Fees.
Click here to download individual pages of the Second Annual Report PDF.
Self Report
Self Report
The purpose of the NECPA self-report policy is to communicate to the NECPA Commission any licensing violations and/or major changes which may affect the Accreditation status of a program or its ability to comply with NECPA standards. An accredited program retains a duty to declare certain information within designated timeframes and prior to annual reporting. Failure to submit timely and accurate notification on the NECPA Program Self Report Form may result in immediate revocation of accreditation status.
Processing Time Frame
- Programs shall report any notice of suspension, probation, provisional, or revocation in licensing status, or a change in license number within 72 hours of its occurrence.
- Programs shall report any of the following within 30 days of occurrence: Change in Program Contact Information; Change in Director and/or Administrator; Change in Program Name; Modification and/or Expansion of Current Building(s) or Grounds; Significant Damage to the Building or Outdoor Areas; Addition or Reduction of an Age Group; Change in Hours of Operation; Legal Action and/or Criminal Activity; or Non-Compliance with NECPA Standard(s).
There is no associated fee with the Self Report.
Change in Ownership
Change in Ownership Form
NECPA Accredited programs that undergo a change of ownership must alert the NECPA office to receive a 6 month change of ownership extension. The 6 month extension begins on the date of program ownership change.
Processing Time Frame
- Your program will receive your Enrollment Packet within 7-10 Business Days.
- Your verification visit will be scheduled within 120 days of the request date.
- Your program’s results will be issued within 60 days of your visit date.
Change of Program Location
Change of Program Location Form
NECPA Accredited programs that undergo a change of location must alert the NECPA office to receive a 6 month change of location extension. The 6 month extension begins on the date of program change in location.
Processing Time Frame
- Your program will receive your Enrollment Packet within 7-10 Business Days.
- Your verification visit will be scheduled within 120 days of the request date.
- Your program’s results will be issued within 60 days of your visit date.
NECPA Extension Request Form
NECPA Award Extension Request Form
This form is used to request an extension of a program’s current accreditation term. The NECPA Commission offers currently accredited programs the opportunity to request an extension of accreditation. All requests are reviewed by the NECPA Extension Request Committee on a case-by-case basis and there is no guarantee that a request will be granted. Programs may be required to expedite their Verification Visit Request and/or National Accreditation Council Review.