NAC Frequently Asked Questions
What is the National Administrator Credential (NAC)?
The National Administrator Credential (NAC) is a 45 hour course designed for directors or emerging leaders in early childhood education to obtain training within the child care administration competency areas.
What are other NAC recipients saying?
“This course is all that I anticipated and much, much more. I will forever be changed for the greater good, my knowledge, passion, confidence, determination, and excitement has grown tremendously."
-New Orleans, LA July 2015
“This has been one of the most informative classes I have ever taken! The materials and information provided in the class such as; laws and regulations, staff management, financial management and leadership provides you with a hunger for more."
-Desmoines, IA April 2016
“Ms. Charlottee Umoja (NAC instructor) made sure we know our own self worth and gave us the tools to succeed and inspire others. I will never forget this week with Ms. Charlottee and the friends and fellowhip that we have been able to experience together."
-Lafayette, LA July 2014
“This course was informative and interesting. This course will be very helpful when I begin the process of opening my own center!"
-Lafayette, LA May 2016
“I really enjoyed the class and I learned a lot about the process of running and improving my child care center. I plan to implement the tools that I have learned in this class and am looking forward to a successful and prosperous school year."
– Tampa, FL March 2016
How long does it take to complete the NAC course?
Typically, the course is offered over a five day period from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm each day. Provided that the student meets all course requirements, the credential is completed within the week. Check in with us, as we do offer four day credentials, depending on location.
What are the requirements to earn the NAC?
A student is required to attend each day in its entirety. In addition, the student will be given homework and journal activities to complete each night that results in 5 hours of additional work within the week. The student will be assessed on class participation, written assignments and formal assessments. The student will receive a pre-and post-assessment at the beginning and end of each course. In addition, the student will be assess each day through a series of quizzes.
What are the requirements to maintain the NAC?
National Administrator Credential (NAC) recipients must renew their NAC every two years by participating in 24 clock hours of continuing education in any of the following areas: Administration, Business, Health and Safety, Curriculum, Child Development or Management. Continuing education must relate to the management and operation of a childcare facility. A completed NAC Renewal Form, proof of training and payment must be submitted to The NECPA Commission, Inc. prior to the expiration date of the NAC to renew. Please note that it may take up to 4 weeks to process NAC Renewals. The NAC will be renewed for an additional two years.
How much does it cost to attend a NAC Course?
The cost to attend a National Administrator Credential (NAC) course is $600.00. Scholarships may be available in your area. We suggest contacting your local child care resource and referral agency to determine scholarship availability and eligibility. If you reside within the state of Louisiana, scholarship are available through Louisiana Pathways. For more information and to apply for this scholarship, please visit Louisiana Pathways.
How do I register to attend a NAC course?
To register for a NAC course, please view the current class schedule. Once you have determined the class location you wish to join, please complete the class registration form. Upon receipt of your class registration form, The NECPA Commission will register you for your desired class location.
Will my NAC enable me to hold the director position in my state?
Licensing requirements vary by state. The National Administrator Credential (NAC) is an accepted form of director training in many states. We recommend that you contact your local child care licensing organization to identify your state’s requirements.
I recently completed the NAC course. When should I receive my approval documentation?
Upon completion of the National Administrator Credential (NAC) course, we ask that you allow approximately 4-6 weeks for your approval documentation to be processed.
I recently submitted my NAC Renewal Form. When should I receive my renewal approval documentation?
The NECPA Commission will confirm the receipt of your National Administrator Credential (NAC) renewal application by email. We ask that you allow up to 4 weeks for your approval documentation to be processed.
Can I receive college credit for completing my NAC?
College credit for completing the NAC is not offered at this time.