Recent Survey Results from NAEYC

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

In July, NAEYC surveyed child care providers and educators nationwide about the challenges of providing and working in child care. Over 6000 providers and educators responded.

In summary, this is what the survey results were regarding the topic of STAFF and COMPENSATION:

– 81% of the respondents said it is the same or more difficult to recruit and retain qualified educators now than before the pandemic with fully half of them saying it is more difficult

– 78% of the respondents identified wages as the main recruitment challenge

– 81% of the respondents say that low wages are a key reason that educators are leaving the field

– 54% cited a lack of benefits

– 33% pointed to exhaustion and burnout

– Only 8% said regulations were a key challenge

Advocates, these are great facts to share with your Lead Agency, State Legislators, and even your Governor when asking for their help in SAVING the ESSENTIAL Business of Child Care so other essential businesses are able to employ the people they need to do business!