Show Your Support for Affordable Education

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

With a spending bill under review by legislatures now we need your help to get it approved!

The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) has been dedicated to encouraging quality and recognize excellence in early childhood programs throughout the United States. This bill includes several areas that are imperative in offering affordable childcare to all families. The major component of the educational part of the bill will be helping families with the cost of childcare for their children. The proposed bill would limit the cost of care to 7% of the household income. It would also offer free childcare to qualifying low income families. In addition this bill will offer free pre-kindergarten to 3 and 4 year old students.

Another aspect of the bill covers student nutrition. While many families count on school meals to feed their children breakfast and lunch, this becomes problematic in the summer and students miss meals. This bill would expand the Summer Nutrition Programs and give students access to breakfast and lunch over the summer break.

Let’s show our students and families that we too find these educational components as important as they do and share our opinions with lawmakers. Click here to show your support in letting your U.S. Legislators know you support this bill!