Lawmakers need to hear from YOU.

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA

Families are struggling to afford high-quality child care as the cost of care increases year after year. The Build Back Better plan would ensure working families can afford quality childcare and preschool. Tell your representatives that now is the time …

Advance Child Tax Credit

Diane Michael Advocacy, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

The Advance Child Tax Credit payments are an expansion of the Child Tax Credit and allow parents to get up to half of their credit in advance paid on the 15th of each month. These payments will be made between …

Show Your Support for Affordable Education

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

With a spending bill under review by legislatures now we need your help to get it approved! The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) has been dedicated to encouraging quality and recognize excellence in early childhood programs throughout the United …

Diane Michael Advocacy, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

Dear Essential Provider, As you well know, we are in a pivotal moment for child care and early learning. With conversations about Universal Preschool (UPK) and Child Care taking off across the country, there is a lot of energy (and …

NCCA Webinar on New Working Parent Schedules & What Employers Are Doing

Diane Michael Advocacy, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

IT’S WEBINAR TIME! … If you haven’t experienced one of The National Child Care Association’s webinars, you’re missing out. NCCA is our advocacy arm and so important for helping fund quality child care. … Join NCCA & Eric Cutler of …

NAEYC Child Care Survey

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

NAEYC Child Care Survey  June 23, 2021 Directors, Educators, and Owners PLEASE take a few moments and fill out the latest NAEYC Child Care Survey. Your responses can make a big difference in helping our decision makers (State and Federal Legislators, …


Diane Michael Advocacy, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

Dear Essential Provider, As you well know, we are in a pivotal moment for child care and early learning. With conversations about Universal Preschool and Child Care taking off across the country, there is a lot of energy (and admittedly, …

Want to nominate a Child Care Hero?

Diane Michael Advocacy, CCP, NAC, NCCA, NECPA, Professional Development

Want to nominate a Child Care Hero? It only takes a few minutes! Link below! Thank you so much for honoring Child Care Heroes! SHOUT OUT to Ms. Amy!! We have heard such amazing things about your magical skills in …