NAEYC Child Care Survey June 23, 2021 Directors, Educators, and Owners PLEASE take a few moments and fill out the latest NAEYC Child Care Survey. Your responses can make a big difference in helping our decision makers (State and Federal Legislators, …
Dear Essential Provider, As you well know, we are in a pivotal moment for child care and early learning. With conversations about Universal Preschool and Child Care taking off across the country, there is a lot of energy (and admittedly, …
Want to nominate a Child Care Hero?
Want to nominate a Child Care Hero? It only takes a few minutes! Link below! Thank you so much for honoring Child Care Heroes! SHOUT OUT to Ms. Amy!! We have heard such amazing things about your magical skills in …
Please see this shared blog from The National Child Care Association. Thank you! Fellow Board Members, State Association Representatives, and Business Affiliates: I hope this message finds everyone well. I know you are all terribly busy as always, however I …
National Recognition is a Highly Beneficial Marketing Tool Learn more about what’s involved…
You got into early childhood education to support and nurture children, right? We also know that you always want to strive to provide the best level of care. Accreditation walks you through the steps to ensure you are meeting and …
Demonstrate to Parents: You Strive for Education Excellence
We know how competitive the ELE industry has become. Having your Center accredited and your Educators certified not only may give you more state funding, (depending on your state), it also demonstrates to parents that you strive for education excellence. …
Major Differences in Accreditation – NECPA
When choosing to get your Center accredited, there are a lot of options to choose from. The dedicated team at The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) has made it easier for you to compare. Learn benefits analysis, growth opportunities …
Early Childhood Education Program Resources By State
The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation’s, (NECPA), mission is to encourage and recognize as many high-quality programs as possible. With this mission as a guide, we have kept our Accreditation fees highly competitive and with your financial success in mind. …
Why Your Center Should Become Accredited
The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) Commission is dedicated to cultivating high-quality early childhood programs across the country through “Encouraging Quality and Recognizing Excellence.” The NECPA Standards were derived from the National Health and Safety Performance Standards, which were …